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ATEK Reusable Pads Project

Atek Pads is a project to promote learning through community libraries, sponsorship and a model school to rebuild the lives of children in post-conflict northern Uganda.

ATEK, our Feminine Hygiene and Pad Project has had tremendous success.  This project came as a result to address the high rate of school dropout and early pregnancy. This educational project is aimed at restoring hope and dignity to female populations; creating small entrepreneurships for women; increasing school attendance for girls and decreasing early pregnancies. To achieve our local and regional goals, LA has partnered with Days for Girls Uganda, Save the Children, GOFUND, African Revival, Child Fund International, GIZ, VOICE- Oxfam International, African Revival the Private Sector Foundation Uganda.  To date, over 7,000 students, girls and boys, youth, teachers and parents have been trained in the 4 districts of Northern Uganda.

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